Your success in the Court Reporting Program at Westec, is largely dependent on YOU. You have been and will continue to be provided with all the tools necessary to help you on this path that you have chosen toward your future career. It is up to YOU to utilize those tools, practice, and make every effort in your power to ensure that you reach your destination as a licensed Court Reporter.
Please be aware that ALL DICTATION CLASSES ARE IMPORTANT regardless of if you need the tests given in a particular class. Sit up; this is when you will have the opportunity to get those fingers moving and practice speed-building even though you may not get every word. Sit down; this is when you can work on your accuracy and add to your dictionary. Stay for the tests because every bit of live dictation you get will only make you better. The classes are designed to improve your writing by repetition, which truly is your best friend. We all know that sometimes “best friends” may not always appear to be kind, but they want that which is in our best interest.
Another tool that will aid you in your endeavors in reaching this goal is homework. The homework is designed to encourage you to be on your machine as much as possible by teaching that practice and perseverance will make you a better writer. The Perfect Copies will push you to perfection keeping in mind that the State CSR test requires 95% accuracy. The Must-Types teach you not only to write, but to read your own notes and put those notes into a logical and acceptable format. The Vocabulary homework is designed to increase your knowledge and familiarity with words that stretch you from basic college-level words to legal and medical terminology and beyond. It is not meant to be easy. If it were easy, everyone would be able to do it.
With that said, the Homework policy should be very clear to every student enrolled in the Court Reporting program.
· Homework is due every Thursday by midnight with some exceptions that are noted on the “Homework Schedule,” which can be found on the Westec website.
· You may turn your homework in after the due date for 50% credit until and including the day that the next homework assignments become due, which would be the following Thursday. After that, you will receive 0% credit.
· You may not pass a speed test unless your homework has been turned in and you receive 60% or higher on eachassignment. This means that if your homework is late, (because at that point, you will receive a grade no higher than 50%,) you will not be eligible to pass a speed test until the following week and that week’s homework has been completed with a 60% or higher.
A note to the students in Qualifiers:
· Vocabulary homework is still required.
· You must transcribe one Qualifier Test (or 200 4-V when Qualifiers are not given) per week and turn it in by the following day. If this is not turned in, you will not be able to take another Qualifier until this is done. NO EXCEPTIONS!
We want you to be successful! But the most important thing is that YOU want to be successful. It is entirely up to you. Your future is in YOUR hands.
Questions: Contact Lisa P. for Vocab, Emma for Must-Types, Lisa M. for Perfect Copies and Lisa P. for Attendance.